South African Insurance Association

+27 11 726 5381

About Us


The South African Insurance Association (SAIA) is the representative body of the non-life insurance industry. It represents the industry to all relevant stakeholders to ensure a sustainable and dynamic industry. SAIA has 57 members, comprising all categories of non-life insurers, including reinsurers. Its members abide by the SAIA Code of Conduct, which ensures adherence to best-practice industry standards and self-regulation.


To promote and represent the interests of the non-life insurance industry, while leading and enhancing the efforts of the industry to become recognised and trusted as an important contributor to the South African economy and society.


  • Encouraging fair and ethical treatment of consumers of non-life insurance products;
  • Representing the non-life insurance industry with all stakeholders and at all levels in such a way that these stakeholders have trust and confidence in the industry;
  • Creating an environment in which the members of our industry can share information, debate important and relevant issues, and create a common vision for the non-life insurance industry;
  • Creating opportunities for the industry to continue with, and embark on, initiatives that will enhance its image and reputation among all stakeholders;
  • Promoting understanding of non-life insurance to all stakeholders;
  • Promoting awareness of the industry and its contributions to society and the South African economy.

ar 2023



Bulletin February 2023

Bulletin February 2023 Mar 10, 2023

In this first Bulletin for the year 2023, I would like to wish everyone well for the year ahead. The South African Insurance Association is ready to face…

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R80 million Spent on consumer ed.
35% Est. vehicles insured
R102.8 billion Gross written premium
57 Member companies